Spring is in the air… these warm temperatures are bringing on the
highly contagious “spring fever”! During my 23 years in education, there is
nothing that can be done about this fever… no remedy strong enough… no lesson
engaging enough to keep the symptoms at bay! The best medicine is time away –
from routine, from instruction, and from the indoors.
With Spring Break upon us, what shall you do for two weeks? 16
days? 384 hours?
I encourage you to take all you have learned (so far) this year and
apply these skills in real life situations! Incorporate all the math you have
learned (coins, time, numbers, measurement), all the books and stories you have
read, the writing processes practiced, the scientific knowledge you have
learned, the history and map skills you have been immersed in, the music, the
art, the Spanish, the technology, and all of the physical activity you partake
in daily AND put these skills into practice!
Whether you go for a walk in the park, plan a small adventure
nearby, or embark on a fabulous vacation, use your skills and knowledge to make
the family time even more meaningful. Break your routine, try out some new
restaurants, and play outside. I encourage your family to “unplug” a little
bit… find a way to use your technological devices as tools to help with your
adventures… mapping a trail run or bike ride, using your phone or device to take
pictures to capture the memories, or search for a nearby park. Simply take a
break from the normal routine!
When you return from break, your “spring fever” should be
manageable! Your symptoms should subside a bit, and you should be ready for a 4th
quarter of learning and fun!
Make some memories,