You know, kids truly say the darndest things – they are so
honest…sometimes brutally so! I love the days when a middle schooler says, “I
like your shoes” or when a Kindergartner says “you have a pretty dress”. But,
there are some days when I have to laugh (instead of cry or hide) when a Second
Grader says “your shoes don’t match” or when a Preschooler says “why is your
hair like that?”
After reading this article, it makes me realize that the children
tell me these things because they care about me (or maybe their filter isn't completely developed), but regardless, I feel better knowing they are being
honest with me.
I liked the comparison of feedback to criticism. As the article
states, few of us have an easy time either giving it or receiving it! We know
that in our heads we need feedback; but our hearts don’t want to hear it.
Feedback is truly a caring gesture!
So, if you and I are having a wonderful chat or simply saying
hello…please let me know if I have toilet paper on my shoe, marker on my face,
or spinach in my teeth! I’ll know the feedback is meaningful and important and
that you care!
Enjoy the article!
Spinach in your Teeth Messages: The Art of Giving (and Receiving) Honest Feedback By Beth Keane, BA, MA, Studer Group National Speaker
Spinach in your Teeth Messages: The Art of Giving (and Receiving) Honest Feedback By Beth Keane, BA, MA, Studer Group National Speaker