Thursday, September 13, 2012

Marshmallows and self-discipline? A new kind of s'mores!

I have to admit, I do love chocolate and most things made of chocolate. If someone put a Hostess Ho-Ho or a chocolate doughnut in front of me...look out.

But, what if someone put one of these items in front of me and told me I could either eat it now, or wait until they returned (45 minutes later) and THEN I could have two! What would I do? Choose the fun, fast, immediate, now? Or take the “good things happen to those who wait” route?

In the following video clip, four year old children were given the same self-discipline test. 

The implication is that children who learn to wait are more self-disciplined in life. They can forego the “I need it now” and appreciate what comes “to those who wait”.

In today’s world, we are used to immediate satisfaction – no time to wait, too much traffic, very little time between one activity and the next, too many toys in the playroom, and the list goes on and on! Sometimes giving in is easier than the alternative! After watching this video, and reflecting on my own life in Elementary and Middle School (watching Gilligan’s Island, climbing trees, playing outside until dinner, knowing that when Mom or Dad said no…they meant it), I realize there are some changes I would like to make in my own family! There are parameters that should be more firmly set and adhered to.

Maybe I’ll start with this marshmallow test for the entire family!!!!

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